dimanche 19 février 2012

Set your goal!

Depending on your needs, different objectives are possible! We can define together how I can be useful in the development of your exercise plan!

Health and Welfare Objective:

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (ref: WHO, 1946).

Also, for a healthy mind and a healthy body, we will approach healthy living and return to physical activity, with any of the following objectives:
 - Weight loss,
 - To start or resume a sport,
 - Prevention of injuries (shin splints, stress fractures, loss of balance or force) or diseases (osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, sarcopenia, dynapénie)
 - Rehabilitation from trauma (shin splints, muscle problems, sprains)
 - Decreasing pathological symptoms (cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, hypertension),
 - Improve independence, autonomy and functional capacity associated with aging.
 It's never too late to change. Appropriate solutions exist for you!

You are a business and want to take care of your staff? Training in health education, the management of musculoskeletal disorders and reduction of occupational accidents and diseases are available.

Are you a (young) mother/father, a family and want to do an activity together? The available facilities are open for all kinds of play!

Sport performance targets:

Because you want to excel and achieve the best of yourself in your sport, a tailored approach will allow you to reach to your limits!

You are looking for improvements in time performance, to gain strength and/or muscle mass, to prepare for competition? Individually or collectively physical preparation is part of a club and there are solutions are adaptable to your investment!

Come join the world of physical preparation!

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